
Intro to Photography Workshop – July 13th

Want to learn how to really use your DSLR camera?

– Get out of Auto Mode and get into Manual Mode

– Understand your settings and how to use them without needing to read a manual!

– Get hands on experience and build the confidence to use your camera to capture everyday memories


Hey y’all! I’m Linette. I’m a wine lover chocolate enthusiasts who wears a lot of hats. I am a wife, mother, photographer, educator, and friend (just to name a few).

If you’ve landed on this page chances are you’ve had a really nice camera but you haven’t been confident enough to use it so instead it’s been collecting dust. Plus many times the photography community can be so harsh- everyone gets caught up in the competition and very rarely does anyone offer help. I’m here to change that.

I am excited to teach you how to put that camera to use and start document every day memories!